Basic Modes of the device Biomedis Trinity
It has four basic modes that can be used separately or combined for greater efficiency, offering up to three levels of influence on the body at the same time.
Mode 1 -M1 : Mode 1 is similar to previous Biomedis devices, emitting electromagnetic waves (using the BRT method) and is programmed via a computer. The purpose of this function is to correct various bioactive agents of the body and strengthen its defense. The effect happens through a network of blood vessels, nerve fibers and biologically active spots on the surface of the skin.n this mode one broadcasting antenna works. The device is placed directly on the body either using the sachet or a pocket (complexes: # 62 - end)
Λειτουργία 2 – Λ2 : Mode 2 uses the three antennas that are internally installed in the Biomedis Trinity. They cause body vibration, triggering self-healing mechanisms. The correction efficiency is higher due to the accuracy of the resonance for each organ and the region of the signal penetration. One antenna emits electromagnetic waves normally, while the other two detects the body's reactions. Trinity rectifies the signals it emits in order to achieve maximum influence on the body.
All transmitting and scanning antennas work. Place the device with its back at a distance of 20 to 50 cm. There is also the possibility of simply wearing the device, just a 15% reduction in performance. However, because all 3 antennas are activated, it would still be more efficient than Mode 1 even with this reduction. Super Program 1 works only on M2.
Λειτουργία 3 – Λ3 :Mode 3 combines the Biomedis Trinity detection systems through its three internal antennas and achieves the creation of new combinations that affect the body at a cellular level. This Mode affects the body's basic rhythms, detects their condition and affects them with electromagnetic waves. This function is used only to correct any deviations in the functioning of the body, and to prevent diseases. It is also used in conjunction with Mode 1 and 2.
All transmitting and scanning antennas work. Place the device with its backside facing the body, at a distance of 20 to 50 cm, otherwise performance is reduced. In Mode 3, only complex # 62 works.
Λειτουργία 4 – Λ4: Mode 4, based on the selective multi-frequency effect, is intended to influence on a psychosomatic level. It targets directly the brain, analyzing the physical parameters it accepts. The signals emitted are based on the reasoning of the brain to maintain homeostasis. Biomedis Trinity affects the deeper bases of the brain by activating the hidden potential of the human body. This mode is also used before Modes 1,2 and 3 in order to trigger the body's reactions to electromagnetic waves.
All transmitting and scanning antennas work. Place the device with its back at a distance from the body of 20 to 50 cm, otherwise performance is reduced. In Mode 4, complexes # 1 through # 61 are functioning.