Marketing Plan

The Biomedis company is a pioneer in many areas, making the difference in promoting its products.

The company, taking advantage of the power now offered by the Internet, has decided to set up its entire promotion plan on it. Using the internet as the structure basis and the partners program as the structure itself, the company has succeeded in creating a reward plan, which gives motives and rewards to those willing to work.

“Η βασική ιδέα είναι η προώθηση των προϊόντων, από τους συνεργάτες της από στόμα σε στόμα ουσιαστικά και παράλληλα η επιβράβευση τους για αυτό.”

The goal of each is the creation of a group. The group is composed of people who became members via your personal involvement, along with those who became involved via the members you invited, without limits. People registering under you automatically become members of your group and their personal profit is added to yours. So we have Accumulated Group Turnovers or CTOs. We achieve revenue by promoting and selling Biomedis products.

The Biomedis marketing plan, provides its partners with three different ways to make money:

Under the Remuneration Plan, the company may give up to 75% of each sale profit to its partners. The analysis can be seen in the video at the bottom of the page. 

  1. Via your personal sales. As long as the team turnover or the CTO , ie the sum of both personal and group sales, is up, you have the option of earning a discount percentage relative to the original retail selling price. This discount is translated into money during a personal sale.
  2. Through the sales of your group's co-workers. Biomedis gives the choice of partner reward. The profit in this case is translated in percentage, with the difference of your partner's percentage from your own, which is the final profit percentage. For example, if you have a 25% discount and your partner has 10%, your combined profit from one partner's sale is the difference of the two: 15%.
  3. If your discount percentage is the same as your partner, the company is rewarded with a 2% co-op bonus that is shared between affiliates at the same level. That is money without requiring direct work.
    Here, the following limitation exists: 

With the company's bonus, you can either buy products, export them, or you can transfer them to one of your partners.

To pass to the next level one must meet certain conditions. Some of these are based on team turnover, while others are related to the immediate partners of the person concerned. Earnings increase as the rate rises, starting at 5% and reaching up to 56%. You can see the company's plan in the picture below:

Πίνακας με το Marketing Plan 2015 της Bomedis

Here you can watch a video where Konstantin Sandalov speaks and explains how Biomedis' Marketing Plan works and how Payouts reach up to 65% and with promotions-gifts up to 75%!