The device provides multi-frequency capability which will increase the effectiveness of Bioresonance therapy. The possibility of targeted coordination essentially mimics Nature, which works in the same way. NMR (Natural Earth Magnetic Field) to which the device emits, making it even better accepted by our body. In addition, the device heals, apart from the body, and the spirit.
It enhances the function of organs and systems, supports immunity, helps in the purification and elimination of toxins and fights anxiety and chronic fatigue.
BIOMEDIS M software has more than 1,000 programs for health and longevity.
The additional Insight device carries the harmonic vibrations of the mounds, prayers, music therapy, attitudes, intentions, claims directly to one's energy information field.
The device Biomedis M NEW is designed for a Bioresoance treatment, exposing the body to electromagnetic oscillations, restoring the mechanisms that have been disturbed by diseases. We recalibrate the body so that it can be self-sufficient again. Besides, we have made it clear from this page that the human organism has enormous possibilities for self - healing as long as we maintain it in the best possible condition.
Treatment with the device is done in two essential ways. With electromagnetic fields configured at special frequencies with extremely high accuracy but also with electrical signals that are fed through the external connector to our body. The frequencies used during treatment are Voll, Schmidt Rife frequencies.
The purpose of Biomedis M, as well as all Bioresonance devices, is to correct the body's functions by bringing it back to its best. So the device has the ability to synchronize our body again. It suppresses the pathological causes of diseases by bringing health back to the body.
The device is another great proposition and is expected to innovate even in the area of bioresonance.
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